Our Church Covenant
In Baptist churches, the nature of our relationship to each other is outlined in a covenant. Each individual Baptist church writes a covenant that names the commitments we make to God and to each other.
Affirmation of Christian Purpose
Having been led by the Spirit of God to receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we hereby offer ourselves to Him and to one another, agreeing to serve together in all the ways He makes known to us.
Relying upon the gracious aid of our God, we will seek to discover the Will of our Heavenly Father, individually and in groups, through prayer, Bible study, and corporate worship.
Remembering that all we are and all we have come from God, we will give regularly and cheerfully, as He has prospered us. We will support our church, aid the poor, and spread the Gospel throughout the world.
Walking together as Christians, we will exercise sincere care and watchfulness over each other, rejoice with those who rejoice, and demonstrate loving concern for those who are distressed.
In the spirit of this Christian Affirmation, we agree to keep Jesus Christ at the center of our thought and action, and reflect the joy of His presence through our fellowship.
Striving to build our homes on Christian love, we will educate our children in the way of the Lord, and in all our relationships witness the reconciling love of God to all people.